Relationship Trail Guide
Rethink the Way You Do Family
The Kid to God Course
Week 5: Part 1 - Introduction
Hear From Us!
For the Christian parent, there is no greater joy than knowing your kids love Jesus. Their eternity is secure and they know the unconditional love of God. Kids who love God walk with confidence and security. This makes our job as parents so much easier.
Get ready for the Kid to God course to help you and help your kids build their own faith in the resurrection of Jesus! We show you how to make Jesus come ALIVE for your kids!
At Crazy Cool Family we say,
“The easiest kids to raise are kids who love Jesus!”
Watch This Video!
In our Introduction video, we open up our ALIVE acronym with five key insights on the Kid to God relationship. Ask, Live, Impress, Validate, Experience. Do you want to know how to apply each word and help your kids learn to love Jesus? We are going to show you this month!
Plus, in this week's video, there are two very valuable inspirations for you. Each one helps parents reframe the conversations about faith with their kids. See if they will do the same for you!
IntroductionKey Takeaway
Don’t EVER be ashamed of selling Jesus to your kids!
Now it's Your Turn to Apply it!
Application #1
Assess where each of your children are in their faith journey. No judgement of you or them! What is a next step you can take to encourage their faith?
Application #2
Share with at least one kid an insight God has shared with you this week from Scripture. It’s not something to improve or change them. Simply share something God is teaching you from His Word.