Relationships Trail Guide
Rethink the Way You Do Family
The Marriage Course
Week 1: Part 1 - Introduction
Hear From Us!
It’s time to focus on marriage. Whether you are currently married, have been married, or are hoping to be married one day this course will benefit you. The course is designed to strengthen your relational line with your spouse, co-parent, or future spouse.
Our theme comes from Genesis 2:24. “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is UNITED to his wife, and they become ONE FLESH.” Our goal in this course is to bring unity to your marriage relationship. A strong marriage relationship line is not only great for your family, but it’s also more fun for you as well.
Let’s get started!
Watch This Video!
We are so excited for you to watch the Marriage Course. Each video will be a little bit longer than usual and there are seven videos within the course. We always say “30 minutes a week to transform your family” but this month we will have to say “40 minutes a week to transform your marriage!” Give us a little more time each week this month and we promise it will be worth it! We believe your investment can completely change the culture of your marriage and ultimately your family.
The first video will walk us through our main theme for the course: Unity!
Wherever you are in marriage, God wants to bring unity into your most important relationship. He wants to make the two of you ONE FLESH. How do we know that?
Watch the video to find out!
Introduction: The Two are One FleshKey Takeaway
Marriage is about Unity. The two become one flesh.
Now it's Your Turn to Apply it!
Application #1
Meditate on Genesis 2:24. God’s design for marriage is clear and good. Ask yourself why God designed man and woman to be one flesh? What do you bring into marriage? If married, what does your spouse bring?
Reflect on yourself and your marriage this week.
Application #2
Date night! This month we are going to challenge you to go on a lot of date nights. One time per week is a great goal! Grab your calendar and find a couple nights this month to be with your spouse.
If you are single, call a friend and set up a few times to talk about your heart and the relationship with your co-parent.