Culture Trail Guide
Rethink the Way You Do Family
The Relational Discipline Course
Week 5: Part 1 - Overview
Hear From Us!
Here we go with Month 3! Remember the Two Key Words to build a Crazy Cool Family? That’s right! Relationships and Culture. Last month and this month we are working on Culture. Last month was Encouragement and this month is a topic we all know and love, Discipline!
At Crazy Cool Family, we are so relationship-focused, so we call this course Relational Discipline.
We will give you two overview videos this week and then give you seven Discipline Drivers over the next three weeks. Seven super practical ideas to make discipline more effective in your home!
Watch This Video!
Here is your content for the week! Two overview videos on how discipline can be a tool to build relationships and connections with your child. Instead of driving them away and causing massive conflict, discipline creates healthier relationships. Take some time this week to let the two overview videos sink into your heart.
Remember! Thirty minutes a week to transform your family!
Key Takeaway
The goal of discipline is to move our child from PARENT CONTROL to SELF-CONTROL.
Now it's Your Turn to Apply it!
Application #1
The goal of discipline is freedom. Evaluate each discipline opportunity to see if you can decrease parent control and teach self-control.
Application #2
This week, choose to see each discipline situation as a chance to connect with your child rather than control them.