Relationship Trail Guide
Rethink the Way You Do Family
The Kid to God Course
Week 5: Part 2 - Ask and Live
Hear From Us!
We are going to push our 30 minutes the next couple of weeks because what we are unpacking is SO GOOD! We start to break down our ALIVE acronym with the first two letters: Ask and Live.
Remember our kids are going on their own faith journey. We are equipping you to be an awesome guide for them on their journey with Jesus!
Watch This Video!
A stands for Ask. Ask means to pray fervently and often. We know prayer is important, so why let’s make it more important within parenting. Watch, listen and read an inspiring message to encourage us to Ask God for the hearts of our children!
L stands for Live. This means to live by example. The way we live is more important than the instruction we say or give. In fact, living for Jesus unlocks influence into our children’s lives! It’s not about being perfect, it’s about pursuing a relationship with God and allowing Him to love us. You will be so encouraged by this video. It’s all about living life with Jesus and sharing this relationship with your children!
Key Takeaway
Let’s get real about your relationship with God and with your family. Watch you and your family become more interested in Jesus!
Now it's Your Turn to Apply it!
Application #1
This week pray for your spouse and each child every day. What should you pray?
Look at the extra download within the Ask course!
Application #2
Have a God conversation with one of your kids. Share with them something God is doing in your life and ask them what God is doing in theirs. (FYI it’s okay if they don’t have an answer!)