Relationship Trail Guide
Rethink the Way You Do Family
The Kid to Kid Course
Week 7: Part 2 - Creating an Interactive Culture
Hear From Us!
What if our kids spent more time with their siblings than with their friends? Friends come and go but siblings are there for life! We want to challenge the way you think about the interactions of your kids with friends and siblings.
Create a better and different way of life for your kids!
Watch This Video!
This week’s video is super practical! Get ready for some really cool ideas to help your kids bond together as friends! Play time, family vacations, serving together in church and much more. You will come away from this week’s video inspired with so many ways to create connect between your kids!
Creating an Interactive CultureKey Takeaway
Purpose to create a sibling culture in your home. Where sibling relationships are celebrated and encouraged.
Now it's Your Turn to Apply it!
Application #1
Of all the ideas in this week’s video, write down the one that really jumps out at you. Work on taking a step to implement it this week. Maybe it’s a play date or some type of celebration!
Application #2
Did you write down unique things about your kids last week? Share these wonderful things you wrote down with them and their siblings.
Celebrate how God made each kid in your family!