Culture Trail Guide
Rethink the Way You Do Family
The Safe Haven Course
Week 3: Part 2 - Listening Instead of Lecturing
Hear From Us!
Introduction complete! Now let’s dig into practical ways to make your home a Safe Haven. We want our home to be a place where we can wash the world off our children and send them out energized and refreshed.
Remember the world drains our kids. How do we give our kids energy and life so they live as overcomers filled with hope?
Watch This Video!
This week’s video is super practical! We show you how to listen to your kid at every age. We have sections on Littles, Middles, and Bigs so there is something for everyone. We listen to our kids at every age but the way we listen changes as they grow.
Watch it and start on the road to being a great listener to all your kids!
Listening Instead of LecturingKey Takeaway
The more we listen to our kids, the more we will be heard by our kids.
Now it's Your Turn to Apply it!
Application #1
Ask your children to tell you a story. About anything. Their day, the game they are playing, or maybe they make up a story.
Application #2
This one could be hard or hilarious! Ask your kids to imitate you when you lecture them. Watch how they imitate your tone and facial expressions.