Relationship Trail Guide
Rethink the Way You Do Family
The Kid to God Course
Week 6: Part 1 - Impress and Validate
Hear From Us!
Double videos again this week! We can do it! Are you starting to see how you don’t have to be perfect or a Bible expert to help your kids pursue Jesus. Our prayers are SO POWERFUL and open up hearts.
Let’s live in hope instead of fear and show our kids why Jesus is really worth following!
Watch This Video!
Two more videos this week: Impress and Validate
I is for Impress. We get to be the primary teachers of God’s Word in our home! It’s a God-given responsibility. We welcome assistance from other sources like the church but they are only supplements as we make God’s Word a daily part of our lives!
V is for Validate. This is next-level and so beneficial in opening up faith conversations, especially as our kids get older. We open the door to questions so we can have influence in the answers.
Remember, all of your children are on a journey with Jesus. This video gives you incredible strategies to help them walk this journey.
Key Takeaway
We love faith questions because God has awesome answers!
Now it's Your Turn to Apply it!
Application #1
This application will vary based on the age of your kids but find a way to share God’s Word with them this week. Read a Bible story to your little ones or memorize a verse with the older kids.
Find a way to invite God’s Word into your home this week.
Application #2
Ask your kids what their favorite verse is (again modify for younger kids) and work with them to make a printout of the verse so they can put it in their room.