Relationship Trail Guide
Rethink the Way You Do Family
The Marriage Course
Week 2: Part 1 - Forgiving & Serving and Talking About Sex
Hear From Us!
How’s your marriage? How’s your sex life? Have you ever stopped and pondered how every part of your marriage is connected? God designed our hearts, hands, and minds to all work together in unity. We deeply desire for your marriage to thrive. When your heart is healthy and free of bitterness, you thrive. When you're connected to your spouse through intimacy and sex, you thrive.
Emotional and physical intimacy is what we want for your marriage. Do you want to learn how to help your marriage thrive?
Watch This Video!
This week we have two videos to watch. They are spiritual and spicy! The first is all about how to mark your marriage with forgiveness. Every Kingdom-focused marriage is built on forgiveness just like our relationship with God is built on His grace and forgiveness towards us.
The second video is all about sex (that’s the spicy part!). We unpack the physical aspect of “two becoming one flesh” and share how sex can be a great unifier in marriage.
These two videos are connected. They are centered on giving and receiving from your spouse. We encourage you to silence the space around you and fully engage.
Key Takeaway
The ability to love and receive love PLUS the ability to forgive and receive forgiveness are intimately connected.
Now it's Your Turn to Apply it!
Application #1
Ask yourself, “Do I have any offenses against my spouse?” If your heart says “Yes,” then spend time forgiving them. Notice your demeanor after releasing all your offenses. Do you feel lighter? Free?
Celebrate what God has done in your heart because forgiveness is SUPERNATURAL!
Application #2
Have sex! Make it a priority to connect this week. Remember, sex connects us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It is a gift from God!
If single, find a close friend and have an open conversation about your mindset about sex. What is an area God wants to heal in your heart? Is there anything He wants to do regarding your beliefs about intimacy and sex?