Culture Trail Guide
Rethink the Way You Do Family
The Relational Discipline Course
Week 6: Part 1 - See Through Eyes of Child & Consider Natural Consequences
Hear From Us!
You are halfway through the Relational Discipline course! This week we talk about the next two Discipline Drivers. We really think these two are going to resonate with you. These two drivers build empathy which is a super connector to others! It takes some of the hard work (creating punishments) away and replaces it with natural consequences.
We Love Natural Consequences!
Watch This Video!
Here is your content for the week. Two short videos about the next two Discipline Drivers.
Remember! Thirty minutes a week to transform your family!
Key Takeaway
When we choose to see things from our kid's perspective it changes our perspective.
Now it's Your Turn to Apply it!
Application #1
Take time this week and ask your child to explain the clouds in the sky or why the grass is green. Ask what makes them sad or really happy. Try to see life through their eyes.
Application #2
Look for times this week where you can use natural consequences instead of punishment. We would love to hear about it! Put successes in the Facebook community!