Relationship Trail Guide
Rethink the Way You Do Family
The Kid to God Course
Week 6: Part 2 - Experience
Hear From Us!
You’re almost done with the Kid to God course! Is it changing the way you think about walking with your children on their faith journey? As we learned these insights, it certainly changed us!
Bible knowledge is important but remember Jesus didn’t give us a rule book (He could have) but instead He gave us a relationship book. The Bible is full people just like us who failed on their own but were powerful with Him!
Watch This Video!
Our last video in the Kid to God course.
E is for Experience. Kids love God when they experience Him! Who wouldn’t want to follow a God who created them, loves them unconditionally, wants the best for them, and has the power to make it happen?
When we show our kids God through the power of experiences, our kids become ALIVE in their own faith! As parents, we get to create experiences for our kids to counter the world’s experiences in their lives.
ExperienceKey Takeaway
Experiences with God are life-changing and faith-building!
Now it's Your Turn to Apply it!
Application #1
Ask your kids what worship songs they like (if you have younger kids, share your favorites). Start to play these songs in the car (by yourself so you can learn them and with them as well).
Sing the songs loud and obnoxious sometimes! Just for fun:)
Application #2
After church ask the family what they learned from the message or kid’s/youth service. It’s okay if they don’t have a response. This is not a test but rather a conversation starter.