Relationship Trail Guide
Rethink the Way You Do Family
The Kid to Kid Course
Week 8: Part 2 - Solving Common Sibling Conflict
Hear From Us!
What’s in store this week? More practical tips on helping your kids bond together! Every family has sibling conflicts. We want to help with some of the common ones which will also give you strategies to help with all the different conflicts that may come your way. Let’s go!
Watch This Video!
This is the last video in our Kid to Kid course. We hope it has been inspiring to you! This week we highly encourage you to watch the video and look at the PDF. We give you some great questions to ask and inspiring things to say to help your kids be best friends!
Solving Common Sibling ConflictsKey Takeaway
Jealousy, tattling, and meanness are signs of separation between siblings and should be red flags. They point to the source and help you know how to encourage your kids!
Now it's Your Turn to Apply it!
Application #1
Make a point this week to be kind to your children. What does kindness look like as a parent? Are your words kind? What does kindness look like from their eyes?
Application #2
Which of the statements in the PDF do you want to start saying to your kids? Which ones resonate with you?