Relationship Trail Guide
Rethink the Way You Do Family
The Marriage Course
Week 2: Part 2 - Enjoy your Spouse and How to Parent Together
Hear From Us!
Think about how friendships are built. They are often built on common interests. Who better to be friends with than your spouse? Finding common interests builds friendships. Friendship helps create unity. Unity helps you be the best parents you can be!
The last videos of our Marriage Course are going to help you enjoy your spouse and parent better with your spouse.
Make it a priority to enjoy your spouse. Find ways to connect and build your friendship. It’s a great family investment. You will parent better when you are enjoying your spouse!
Watch This Video!
The first video in this week’s content is about finding practical and intentional ways to love and enjoy your spouse. Date nights, weekends away, and common interests are a few of the things we help you unpack. God created you and your spouse to be friends first and parents second.
That’s why the last video in our Marriage Course is about parenting. All of these videos solidify the foundation of your marriage so you can stand up and parent with a unified front.
We invite you to build a team, of two unique people, coming together to see God’s purposes in your family!
Key Takeaway
The best way to enjoy your spouse is to choose them first!
Now it's Your Turn to Apply it!
Application #1
Go to bed together. This week, no matter how crazy the schedule is, try and go to bed together. When she (or he) starts brushing their teeth, you go too. When their head hits the pillow, don’t let yours be far behind. Watch how something this small creates unity in your marriage.
If you are single, spend time with God before bed each night. Ask Him to remind you of your identity as a beloved son or daughter. Spend extra minutes with Him to fuel you for the next day.
Application #2
Practice telling yourself these three powerful words:
“Let. It. Go.”
Whenever your spouse does something annoying, try to let it go. Choose unity over preference and see what happens.