Overview Trail Guide
Rethink the Way You Do Family
The Parent to God Course
Week 8: Asking Forgiveness
Hear From Us!
This week’s video/PDF is so COOL! Asking Forgiveness has repaired the relationship with our kids more times than we can count! We all make mistakes in our parenting. Asking Forgiveness gives us a God-inspired pathway back to their hearts!
Watch This Video!
Last week, we talked about being an example to your kids. There is no greater example you can give to your kids then being willing to lead the way in asking forgiveness. It shows humility and sacrifice. It is beyond honoring to them.
Here’s the link to this week’s video and PDF.
Asking ForgivenessKey Takeaway
Asking forgiveness reconnects disconnected relationships.
Now it's Your Turn to Apply it!
Application #1
Make a point this week to keep “short accounts” with your kids. If you do something wrong, quickly ask forgiveness. Watch how weird they look at you! Also, watch how it creates openness!
Application #2
As we finish up this month on the Parent to God relationship, remind yourself again, “I am loved by my Creator! I am a child of the King!”