Relationship Trail Guide
Rethink the Way You Do Family
The Parent to Kid Course
Week 4: Part - 2 Inspiration
Hear From Us!
This is the last (and best) week of the Parent-to-Kid course! We talk about INSPIRATION! To inspire (make someone want to or believe they can do something) is one of our very favorite things we get to do as parents.
Watch This Video!
Last week we talked about being an example to your kids. There is no greater example you can give to your kids then being willing to lead the way in asking forgiveness. It shows humility and sacrifice. It is beyond honoring to them.
Listen to this video and/or read the attached PDF.
InspirationKey Takeaway
We always inspire our kids to see the greatness of God in their lives.
Now it's Your Turn to Apply it!
Application #1
Have a dreaming session with your kids. Ask them what they want to be when they grow up. If it’s playing baseball, go outside and throw a ball! If it’s teaching, give them a chance to read books to younger kids. If it’s dancing, enroll them in a dance class.
Show your kids how much you believe in them by investing in their dreams.
Application #2
Write the word "inspire" on the bathroom mirror with a dry erase marker. Let it remind you everyday to inspire your kids.